
New call for ACCIÓ Innovation and Strategy Coupons

Since 2010 NOMON DESIGN has been accredited by ACCIÓ –Agència per la Competitivitat de l’Empresa de la Generalitat de Catalunya (the Agency for Corporate Competiveness and Innovation from the Catalan local government)– to develop projects that help companies grow through design.

Our specific expertise is in conceptualising and designing new products and services, a category included in the Innovation and Strategy Coupons of the agency.

On April 7th, the 2021 yearly call for Innovation and Strategy Coupons was opened for small or medium-sized companies –SMEs– established and operating in Catalonia, having been in business for a minimum of 2 years, and meeting a series of concrete requirements. These coupons are meant to help promote these companies’ projects with grants of up to € 6,000.

Unlike previous calls, on this occasion, only those companies that have not been beneficiaries of these coupons in the last three calls (2018, 2019 and 2020) are applicable to request them.

After more than 10 years collaborating with ACCIÓ, for this new call we once again are stepping forward to make our services available for those companies that are interested in promoting their projects in the area of ​​expertise of “Product and / or Service Design”.

In addition, next Thursday, April 22nd, we will participate in an informative session on this initiative, organized by ACCIÓ and the BCD, where we will be explaining our experience with our client Xocolating, with whom we developed a project during the last coupons call.

Below, we provide you with direct links to the information related to the 2021 call and the information session.

For any questions you may have about these coupons and our specific area of ​​expertise, you can contact us through info@nomondesign.com.

Convocatoria 2021 Cupones a la Innovación y a la Estrategia
Sesión informativa y presentación de los Cupones a la Innovación y a la Estrategia

Tags: Product design, Nomon Design