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Legal Advice
In compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the following legal aspects are reported:
Website ID:
Responsible for the web: Nomon Design S.L
Address: Balmes, 201 Ppal 1ª, 08006 Barcelona
Contact email:
Phone / Fax: + 34 93 4156749
Tax data: B64185416
Registration Data: Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, newspaper 0967 and seat 0831.
Privacy Policy
User Acceptance
This document (from now on called “PRIVACY POLICY”) is intended to regulate the use of the web space that NOMON DESIGN S.L. makes available to the user (
The intellectual property rights of this web space, its source code, the databases and the different elements it contains are the property of NOMON DESIGN S.L.,
to whom corresponds the exclusive exercise of exploitation of the rights of the website itself and, especially, those of reproduction, distribution, public communication, maintenance and transformation.
The use of the web space for a third party attributes the condition of user and implies the complete acceptance of this user of each and every one of the conditions established in this Privacy Policy.
Correct use of the web space
The user undertakes to use the web space, content and services in accordance with the Law, this Privacy Policy, good practices and public order. In the same way, the user undertakes not to use the web space or the services that are provided through it for purposes or effects that are illegal or contrary to the content of this Privacy Policy, which injure the interests or rights of third parties, or that in any way it can be damaged, rendered useless, deteriorate the web space itself or its services, or prevent a satisfactory use of the web space to other users.
Likewise, the user expressly agrees not to destroy, alter, disable or, in any other way, damage the data, programs or electronic documents and others found in this web space.
The user undertakes not to impede the access of other users to the service through the massive consumption of computer resources through which NOMON DESIGN S.L. It provides the service, as well as not performing actions that damage, interrupt or generate errors in the systems mentioned.
The user undertakes not to introduce programs, viruses, macro instructions, mini applications, controls of any kind or any other logical device or sequence of characters that cause or may cause any type of alteration in the computer systems of NOMON DESIGN S.L. or third parties or, where appropriate, violate the rights of intellectual or industrial property.
The user undertakes not to misuse the information, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and / or image files, photographs, programs and, in general, any kind of material accessible through this web space or the services offered.
NOMON DESIGN S.L. consequently, it also declines all responsibility derived from the damages and losses that any visitor of this web space may suffer in its technological resources (computer or telematic) as a result of the production of any of the circumstances or facts mentioned in the previous paragraph. Likewise, NOMON DESIGN S.L. does not guarantee that the web space and the server are free of viruses and is not responsible for the damages caused by accessing the web or by the inability to access.
NOMON DESIGN S.L. It is not responsible for the information that can be obtained through links to external systems from this web space.
Régimen de responsabilidad
Responsabilidad de NOMON DESIGN S.L.
para la utilización de la web
El usuario es el único responsable de las infracciones en que pueda incurrir y de los perjuicios que pueda causar o causarse para la utilización del presente espacio web, por su parte NOMON DESIGN S.L. esta exonerada de cualquier responsabilidad que se pudiese derivar por las acciones del usuario.
El usuario será el único responsable para cualquier reclamación o acción legal, judicial o extrajudicial iniciada por terceras personas contra NOMON DESIGN S.L. basada en la utilización del espacio web por el usuario. En su caso, el usuario asumirá todos los gastos, los costes y las indemnizaciones que se reclamen a NOMON DESIGN S.L. con motivo de reclamaciones o de acciones legales que le sean atribuidas.
Responsabilidad de NOMON DESIGN S.L.
por el funcionamiento del web
NOMON DESIGN S.L. excluye cualquier responsabilidad que se pudiese derivar por transferencias, omisiones, interrupciones, intromisiones indeseables, deficiencias de telecomunicaciones, virus informáticos, averías telefónicas o desconexiones en el funcionamiento operativo del sistema electrónico, motivados por causas ajenas a NOMON DESIGN S.L.
Responsabilidad de NOMON DESIGN S.L.
por enlaces desde el web
NOMON DESIGN S.L. declina toda responsabilidad respecto de la información (contenidos) o riesgos (perjuicios técnicos, morales o económicos) que haya fuera del espacio web y al que se pueda acceder por link desde esta; ya que la función de los enlaces que aparecen es únicamente de informar sobre un tema concreto.
Intellectual and industrial property
This web space and all its contents, including texts, documents, photographs, drawings, graphic representations, databases, computer programs, as well as logos, brands, trade names and other distinctive signs are property of NOMON DESIGN SL or third parties that have authorized you to use it.
All rights reserved.
Liability regime
Responsibility of NOMON DESIGN S.L. for the use of the web
The user is solely responsible for the infractions that may be incurred and for the damages that may be caused or caused for the use of this web space, on the other hand NOMON DESIGN S.L. It is exempt from any liability that may arise from the user’s actions.
The user will be solely responsible for any claim or legal, judicial or extrajudicial action initiated by third parties against NOMON DESIGN S.L. based on the use of the web space by the user. Where appropriate, the user will assume all expenses, costs and compensation that are claimed from NOMON DESIGN S.L. on the occasion of claims or legal actions attributed to it.
Responsibility of NOMON DESIGN S.L.
for the operation of the web
NOMON DESIGN S.L. excludes any liability that may arise from transfers, omissions, interruptions, undesirable interference, telecommunications deficiencies, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operation of the electronic system, motivated by causes beyond NOMON DESIGN S.L.
Responsibility of NOMON DESIGN S.L.
by links from the web
NOMON DESIGN S.L. declines all responsibility regarding the information (contents) or risks (technical, moral or economic damages) that are outside the web space and that can be accessed by link from it; since the function of the links that appear is only to inform about a specific topic.
Data Protection Commitment and compliance with the LSSICE
In compliance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), NOMON DESIGN S.L. informs users that the personal data they provide when using the contract forms or requirements will be collected in files under the responsibility of NOMON DESIGN S.L. and they will be treated with the purpose of being able to provide and inform about the services or about the products that NOMON DESIGN S.L. offers.
The fact of filling out a form of this web space implies that the user acknowledges that the information and personal data that he indicates to us are his, exact and true.
1. Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?
Responsible for the treatment: NOMON DESIGN S.L. Balmes, 201 Ppal 1st 08006 Barcelona
2. What are the purposes to continue treating your personal data?
We process the personal data of our contacts, customers and suppliers in order to manage the business relationship with our organization and, in particular, the contractual aspects, the sending of information from our organization and the sector, the organization of activities, campaigns or events and the sending of informative and commercial communications (including electronic means).
3. How long will we keep your personal data?
Personal data will be kept for a period of six (6) years, in accordance with current accounting regulations and, if applicable, for ten (10) years according to the regulations for the prevention of money laundering.
In any case, NOMON DESIGN S.L. will keep your personal data as long as they are necessary for the contractual provision of our relationship, unless you request its deletion. Likewise, it will keep them for the period of time necessary to comply with the legal obligations that correspond in each case according to the type of data.
4. What is the legitimacy for the processing of your personal data?
The legitimate basis for the processing of personal data is the mutual interest and consent of the user.
5. To which recipients will your personal data be communicated?
The data may only be communicated to third party organizations linked to NOMON DESIGN S.L. in the field of the management of their products and / or services for the same purposes referred to above, as well as to the competent Public Administrations, when required by current regulations.
The employees of NOMON DESIGN S.L. that have authorized access rights in accordance with the internal security structure of NOMON DESIGN S.L. They can access your personal data with the objectives and purposes described in this Privacy Policy. All employees of NOMON DESIGN S.L. They have been trained and informed of their responsibilities in this regard and sign the corresponding confidentiality agreement. Likewise, they can access your data, third party organizations whose intervention is required and / or necessary for the proper management of the service provision.
NOMON DESIGN S.L. It has established contracts or contractual agreements and security measures with third parties, to ensure the adequate level of security and protection of personal data along the related chain.
6. What are your rights in relation to your personal data?
You can request access, rectification, deletion, limitation to the processing, portability and opposition to the processing of your personal data at any time.
You may revoke the consent to the sending of commercial communications and exercise the rights referred to above, by sending an email to accompanied by the documentary accreditation of your identity. With the exception that you have already indicated it to us previously by means of the option of unsubscribing that is at the foot of the electronic shipments, in which case, we already have such information.
If you do not get a satisfactory answer and wish to make a complaint or obtain more information regarding any of these rights, you can contact the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (
7. What is the ratio of personal information stored?
The basic identification and relationship data for the submission of proposals, commercial information, to create invoices, such as name, shipping address, NIF / CIF, bank account number, if the client wishes to have direct debit is stored.
8. What is the data storage / availability / backup policy and its location?
No information is deleted, unless deletion is requested by the user and this deletion proceeds (see point 3). It is always available, although it may be blocked for informational marketing / commercial shipments, if the rights of suppression, limitation of treatment or opposition by the user have been exercised.
Backup copies are made of servers that contain data, properly controlled and guarded.
9. What is the Privacy and information security policy and its access?
Access to the database is protected by username and password.
In the case of remote access, this is done through VPN protocol.
10. What is the Security Incident Response and Impact Analysis Policy?
NOMON DESIGN S.L. has adopted appropriate technical and organizational protection measures and these measures have been applied to personal data affected by the potential violation of the security of personal data. There is no access to customer / user data for people who are not authorized to access them.
NOMON DESIGN S.L. has carried out and keeps updated a Risk Analysis of the vulnerability of personal data and its impact on the security of the privacy of customers / users.
11. What is the Policy for deleting information from service cancellations?
NOMON DESIGN S.L. deactivates the accounts of customers / users who decide to unsubscribe and who have exercised their right to deletion. In this case, the client / user data will be blocked and maintained for the time required by regulations, exclusively to account for the legal obligations that justify the past relationship between the parties.
12. Who is our Data Security Officer?
NOMON DESIGN S.L. There is no legal obligation to designate a DPD (Data Protection Delegate), in accordance with current legislation.
Regardless, NOMON DESIGN S.L. has designated a person responsible for data security, in order to ensure the proper functioning of this Privacy Policy and to ensure that its requirements are preserved in relation to the personal data of users internal and external to the organization. You can contact our Data Security Officer at
In case NOMON DESIGN S.L. Identify a breach of personal data security, users will be notified as soon as possible in relation to it and, in case of significant risk, the competent authority would also be notified.
The registered user retains at all times the possibility of exercising their rights of access, rectification, opposition, deletion, limited processing, portability or opposition to the processing of their data. Likewise, and in accordance with Law 34/2002, of July 1, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, you can revoke at any time the consent given to the reception of commercial communications. In case of doubt, as well as for exercising the aforementioned rights, you can contact NOMON DESIGN S.L. by email or postal mail to Address: NOMON DESIGN S.L. in Balmes, 201 Ppal 1ª 08006 Barcelona.
Applicable legislation and judicial jurisdiction
Any controversy arising in the interpretation or execution of this Privacy Policy will be interpreted based on Spanish legislation. Also, NOMON DESIGN S.L. through their legal representation and the user, they renounce any other jurisdiction and submit themselves to that of the courts and tribunals of the user’s domicile for any dispute that may occur. The case that the user has his address outside Spain NOMON DESIGN S.L. and the user submits to the courts and tribunals of the city of Barcelona.
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