Why is Barcelona such a big hit with brands?
Barcelona is no longer only a city name. Since its opening to the world when holding the ’92 Olympic Games, it has become a brand with a high ability for seduction and international recognition. According to the latest “2014 Barcelona Observatory” report developed by the Chamber of Commerce and the City Council, Barcelona is the sixth largest city brand in the world, ahead of Dubai, Madrid, Bangkok, Sydney, Berlin and Amsterdam.
Its ability to merge its Mediterranean origin with a European, cosmopolitan and plural perception, as well as its artistic, architectural and cultural heritage, makes it an excellent destination for tourism and business.

But what makes Barcelona so interesting for brands?
The BCD Barcelona Centre de Disseny recently conducted a survey on Barcelona that asked professionals from different profiles at European organisations in the technology sector, creative industry and innovation which city attributes they highlighted as being beneficial for their businesses.
Creativity, design and urban development, creative infrastructure, emerging talent, being a laboratory of new concepts and its social and emotional innovation were the most relevant features. Thus, respondents positioned Barcelona behind San Francisco, London and NY as the most creative city.
Custo Barcelona, Moritz or Munich, brands made in Barcelona,have taken advantage of the potential, creativity and brand impact by linking them to their business strategies. Furthermore, they are brands that connect with consumers on an emotional level, because this is part of the magic of the city, as Jacob Benbunan, CEO at Safron Brand Consultants, puts it: “the great emotional connection Barcelona has with its audiences“.
As Peret sang long before the Barcelona brand became fashionable: “Barcelona es poderosa, Barcelona tiene poder”.
Tags: Corporate branding, Nomon Design