The CO- philosophy, the future of design and designers
On June 11th, during the first edition of “Design is Future: innovation through design congresstival”, renowned professionals gathered to assess the designer of the future as a strategic advantage for companies. Cecilia Tham, Chiaki Hayashi, Ferran Mitjans, Oriol Armengou, Sison Pujol, Juan Freire, Chiara Diana and Fernando de la Rosa analysed both the current and also the future situation of design and designers in all their aspects: i.e. training, innovation, research or entrepreneurship.

CO- as a way of understanding our profession
“It is no longer as important to be the first in anything, but rather to share and be clear about your objectives and to acknowledge your possibilities, strengths and weaknesses.”
Sison Pujol, CEO of NOMON DESIGN, opened her presentation on the future of design and designers by using the moral lesson of a reformulated fable of The Hare and the Turtle.
For Sison Pujol, the future and success of design are based on what she calls the CO- philosophy: Cooperation, collaboration, co-creation with teams, partners and customers. CO- as a methodology and as a way of understanding the profession as well.
Drawing a parallel with one of her passions, mountaineering, Sison Pujol describes the process that must be followed when undertaking a project: establishing the goal well, knowing oneself and the environment, adapting and reformulating oneself when faced with adversities, and once you reach the top, setting a new goal.
Besides creativity and execution, the success of designers of the future will depend on their ability for reflection, planning and teamwork.
If design is the future for companies, what would be the future for designers?

Tags: Nomon Design, Formación, Sisón Pujol