
The ‘FADxFAD’ candidacy secures a resounding victory in the FAD elections

In an extraordinary assembly, the members of Foment de les Arts i el Disseny (FAD) have overwhelmingly endorsed the ‘FADxFAD’ candidacy to lead the organization for the next four years.

A collaborative model for our industry, which we also endorse at NOMON DESIGN, has emerged victorious in the FAD elections. The ‘Un nou FAD per al FAD’ candidacy, comprised for the first time in its history by the presidents of different associations (ADG-FAD, ADI-FAD, ARQUIN-FAD, and A-FAD), received the support of 80% of the members who cast their votes in a highly participatory historic session (37.5%).


Our founder, Sisón Pujol, in her role as President of ADG-FAD, has been part of this movement for change with the aim of aligning this century-old institution more closely with its definition as an “association of associations” and transforming it into a cross-functional, open, and fully collaborative model.

“Advocating for a culture of sustainable and democratized design”

‘Un nou FAD per al FAD’ presents itself as a candidacy that envisions the future of FAD, extending beyond the typical four-year term. During this period, the goal is to reclaim the prestige and influence it has lost in recent years. The objective is to position FAD as a voice with a significant impact, promoting the culture of design, democratization, sustainability, and both local and universal values.

From this point forward, the new FAD Board, backed by strong support at the polls, will strive to become an organization that is closer to its members and associations. It will be governed from the grassroots, eliminating presidentialism. FAD aims to expand its reach and presence within the community.


Sisón Pujol, who is already the elected treasurer of FAD for the ‘FADxFAD’ candidacy, stated during the election campaign:

“When asked about what FAD represents, I always explain that FAD is an association of associations, a federation of associations. Therefore, our proposal is to align governance with this definition, which has been circulating for many years and which we have embraced.

We propose a shift from a presidentialist structure, symbolized by a broom that has almost swept away the associations, to a more open umbrella model that is entirely cross-functional, open, and collaborative. It’s a model for the future, a FAD for the next 100 years. Farewell to the presidentialist model and a warm welcome to the collaborative model.”

Upon learning of the election results yesterday, Sisón Pujol expressed her excitement and gratitude for the support received for the ‘Un nou FAD per al FAD’ project. She extended a hand to the opposing candidacy, ‘+FAD’, inviting them to join in, ensuring that no one is left out of this collective endeavor.


The new FAD Board of Directors is comprised of the following members:

President: Salvi Platja, the current president of ADI-FAD

Secretary: Pau Solà-Morales, the current president of ARQUIN-FAD

Treasurer: Sisón Pujol, the current president of ADG-FAD

Additional Members: Mª Lluïsa Samaranch (the current president of A-FAD), Mercè Rovira (the current treasurer of ADI-FAD), Núria Vila (a current member of ADG-FAD), Guillem Ferran (a current member of ADI-FAD), Pamela Pérez (a member of A-FAD), Lucía Bruni (a member of A-FAD), Pere Serra Amengual (a member of ARQUIN-FAD), Ingrid Picanyol (a member of ADG-FAD), Eugenia Bach Triadó (a member of ARQUIN-FAD), Claret Serrahima (a former vice president of FAD and former vice president of ADG-FAD).

For more details on the CVs of the members of the ‘Un nou FAD per al FAD’ candidacy and the newly elected Board of Directors, please visit: https://www.fadxfad.com/candidatura

You can also find further information about the ‘Un nou FAD per al FAD’ program here: https://www.fadxfad.com/programa


Tags: Nomon Design, ADG-FAD, Sisón Pujol