Our recommendations for this Sant Jordi 2021
«My books are friends that never fail me», Thomas Carlyle once stated. And he was right, wasn’t he? Books have helped us much better cope with the challenges of this long year of pandemic. Through them we have been able to travel without leaving our homes. We have experienced real or fictional stories that have enlivened our days.
Although this 2021 we will not be able to celebrate Sant Jordi the way we always have in the past, strolling across the streets filled with our much beloved roses and book stalls, we do not want to miss out on the opportunity to pay our little tribute to this local celebration of ours.
That is why we have collected a small list of our personal recommendations of books and publications on very diverse topics and genres, which some of us have been excited about.
We hope you enjoy them, as well!
No deixis mai de mirar al cel, Miquel Esteve
Tandem, Maria Barbal
El juego del ángel, Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Gent normal, Sally Rooney
HARU: Cada día es una vida entera, Flavia Company
Conversación en La Catedral, Mario Vargas Llosa
Rayuela, Julio Cortázar
Una qüestió personal, Kenzaburô Ôe
Un amor, Sara Mesa
Canto jo i la muntanya balla, Irene Solà
Anatomia de les distancies curtes, Marta Orriols
Aprendre a parlar amb les plantes, Marta Orriols
Dolça introducció al caos, Marta Orriols
Permangel i Boulder, Eva Baltasar
Todos quieren a Daisy Jones, Taylor Jenkins Reid
Klara and the sun, Kazuo Ishiguro
El bosque animado, Wenceslao Fernández Flórez
«A short novel exploring a Galician forest through magical realism». (Elena)
Limónov, Emmanuel Carrère
«A fictionalized biography of a Russian politician, writer and dissident. Amusing and highly recommendable for your summer readings.». (Elena)

Graphic novel / Illustration
Persépolis, Marjane Satrapi
Yo mataré monstruos por ti, Santi Balmes & Lyona
Artista y diseñador, Bruno Munari
Poesie della neve, Azzurra D´Agostino & Estefanía Bravo
«An Italian poetry tale for children. Gorgeous, delicate illustrations, just like snow.» (Elena)
Legibilidad y tipografía: La composición de los textos, Horacio F. Gorodischer y José Escaglione
«An interesting essay analysing the functions of an artist on the one hand, and those of a designer on the other hand, showing us how sometimes their work can find a common ground and why sometimes it is necessary that their work should remain dissociated. » (Elena)

Hace tiempo que vengo al taller y no sé a lo que vengo, Jorge de Cascante
Odisea, from the collection «Clásicos liberados» from Blackie Books
Los Americanos, Robert Frank
«These photos speak for themselves. The book is important in the history of photography. These days, I think it reminds us that there was a time in which photography played a crucial role and was a vital tool to communicate and document the lives of people around the world, before Instagram came along to make us travel visually.». (Pilar)

The gourmand
Apartamento Magazine
El món d’ahir
Fuet Magazine
La nueva carne
Magabook ADG Laus 2020

Tags: Nomon Design