Launching the Sustainability Council of NOMON DESIGN
At NOMON DESIGN we believe in sustainability, in its broadest definition, as the only active way to achieve a more socially responsible and egalitarian society.
Therefore, since last September 2021, we constituted our Sustainability Council which, with the team’s collaboration, develops and incorporates new sustainable measures every day, in addition to those that already form our essence.
Our Board is made up of Sisón Pujol, Esther Agustench, Emma Tó, Elisa Zaragoza and Bruno Martínez. The board’s mission is to promote a more sustainable NOMON DESIGN, in accordance with the objectives and lines of action contained in our company’s mission, vision and values.
In addition, the Council develops and implements its own Transversal Sustainability Plan in all areas of our agency: good governance, workforce, financial, social and environmental.
Every three months a volunteer from the team joins the Board. David Gimeno has collaborated during the first quarter, and up from this February, Marta Surinyach will be joining as well.
Together we will continue working on making of NOMON DESIGN the more sustainable version of itself.

Tags: Nomon Design, Sisón Pujol, Sostenibilidad