
SMEs with 100% sustainable DNA: The LC PAPER case

Our collaboration with LC Paper started last year. Located in Girona, LC Paper is a company with over 140 years of experience in the sector. Pioneering the manufacture of paper with zero CO2 emissions, its aim is to create the most sustainable paper in the world.

Working with LC Paper has allowed us to discover how challenging it can be for the industrial sector to adapt to the reality of sustainability. Among other factors, it is due to the logistical complications that these changes entail and also the high financial costs of the transformation of manufacturing processes, including changes in machinery and the selection of raw materials.

However, even being a big challenge, sustainability is a factor that, for both BTB and BTC companies, can also constitute an outstanding opportunity to improve their competitiveness, strengthen their continuity throughout time and reinforce loyalty with their target audiences.

Energy efficiency, renewable energy, recycling, optimisation of resources, eco-design, local production, reduction of emissions … these are all terms which have been incorporated into our language in recent years. Indeed, not so long ago they seemed distant concepts, but are currently part of the 2030 plan of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and will be deemed compulsory at the centre of business strategies in the very near future.

The LC Paper case: pioneers in the manufacture of paper without CO2 emissions

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, in 2019 we began our collaboration with LC Paper, a company which, for two decades, has been committed to continue leading the manufacture of the most sustainable paper products on the market.

Its strategic commitment to zero emissions during the manufacturing cycle while developing the company’s own technology for the manufacture of tissue paper, Kraft and derivatives, has positioned LC Paper as the first international paper manufacturer considered carbon-neutral.

NOMON’s first project consisted in conceptualizing art direction and designing its corporate brochure. Faced with the challenge of creating a corporate brochure that would be able to reflect the importance of this pioneering company and completely distinguish it from the traditional image of its business field, we defined an art direction that would reinforce the concept of sustainability, bringing them closer to their consumers, despite of it being a B2B company.

With this same objective, we developed and created a coherent and sustainable corporate discourse, consistent with its values ​​and commitments, with a clear sustainable character, that would communicate the essence of the company in a comprehensive and direct way.

Likewise, to showcase its innovative, sustainable and top-quality products, we created attractive and warm, cosy scenarios which would allow the company to connect with the home environment as well as highlighting the products’ attributes.

We completed the art direction with textures and volumes, using a chromatic palette based on their green corporate colour. We also produced their very own infographics and iconography, which would promote the brand discourse and make it more understandable to its audiences.

The result is an art direction that highlights ​​the essence and uniqueness of LC Paper and that differentiates it from other companies of the sector.

But this project has only been the beginning of our collaboration. Currently we are finalising the development of other key pieces in the company’s communication, such as, for example, the packaging for the Dalia product range, which will be the world’s first plastic-free pack.

At NOMON we are also committed to sustainability

One of the differential values ​​that characterises the NOMON-team is empathy. It is, indeed, a value that the entire team applies throughout the development of the different projects and that acquires tangible meaning in our main discipline – design – which is the language with which we relate to the world.

With the beginning of 2020, from our empathetic vision of life, and thanks to our particular learning curve acquired from working with sustainable brands such as LC Paper, Zicla, Ciat or Espigoladors among others, we are committed to becoming – corporately and actively – the most sustainably possible version of ourselves. In fact, we understand this commitment in its broadest and most transversal sense, beyond the environment, encompassing human resources, ethics and responsible consumption.

During these first months of the year, following the concepts we had already been working with at the end of 2019, we have deeply identified with this trend and are making internal changes to make sure this commitment does not just remain a declaration of intent. Therefore, among other actions, during 2020 we will join the BCorp community to obtain its B Certification.

Tags: Communication, Branding strategy, Sostenibilidad