We join Xarxa Barcelona+Sostenible
Barcelona+Sostenible is a network of over 1500 organizations committed to environmental, social and economic sustainability, building a city that is conscientious with people and the environment in a collective effort.
This network is made up of citizen communities, business and commerce organizations, educational centres, universities, professional associations, unions and administrations.
Engaged in our goal of being a socially committed and sustainable agency, we have signed the Citizen Commitment to Sustainability Act 2012-2022, which stands as a reference framework for all organizations interested in contributing to the improvement of the city with their actions.
This Commitment establishes 10 major objectives, with 10 lines of action each, to be met by 2022.
1. Biodiversity: From urban green to the renaturalization of the city
2. Public space and mobility: From the driving street, to the living street
3. Environmental quality and health: From standards to excellence
4. Efficient, productive and zero emission city: From technological Barcelona to intelligent Barcelona
5. Rational use of resources: From consumer society to responsible consumption
6. Good governance and social responsibility: From sector intervention to effective coordination
7. Well-being of people: From a welcoming city to a cohesive city
8. Progress and development: From a concern for sustainability to an economy that promotes it
9. Education and citizen action: From awareness to knowledgeable co-responsibility
10. Resilience and planetary responsibility: From a specific response to global action

By signing this Act, NOMON takes on the responsibility to work in accordance with these objectives. Moreover, as members of B+S, we will promote sustainability measures within our company, share good practices and develop projects with other members of the network.
Tags: Nomon Design, Sostenibilidad