Zoo de Barcelona

VIU Barcelona Biodiversity Centre, new brand repositioning strategy and communication campaign

A strategy that positions Zoo de Barcelona as a leading center for biodiversity preservation

Branding strategy


Digital communication


We won the competition to define Zoo de Barcelona’s new brand repositioning strategy


In 2019, the Barcelona City Council unanimously approved the New Zoo Model, a roadmap that paves the way for Zoo de Barcelona’s transformation into a center actively contributing to the preservation of global biodiversity. By doing so, Zoo de Barcelona joins the ranks of leading centers and zoos worldwide that are taking action against the climate crisis and the human activities that are severely impacting our planet’s biodiversity.


Built on three central pillars – biodiversity conservation, scientific research, and education and awareness – the new Zoo de Barcelona aims to become a hub for all those who want to actively participate in preserving the planet’s biodiversity.

Given this context, we participated in the competition organized by BSM (Barcelona de Serveis Municipals) of the Barcelona City Council, in collaboration with Interprofit, to define Zoo de Barcelona’s brand repositioning strategy, its fresh corporate identity, and its communication strategy for 2022-23.


Our creative vision for the project and the combined expertise of both Interprofit and NOMON DESIGN teams led us to emerge victorious in the competition.


Our strategy repositions the Zoo de Barcelona’s new Biodiversity Centre


Once we secured the competition victory, we initiated the brand repositioning project for Zoo de Barcelona in line with the roadmap of the New Zoo Model.


The first phase involved the “Brand Positioning Analysis and Diagnosis”: we thoroughly examined Zoo de Barcelona’s current positioning, visual identity, and communication strategies, conducting a comprehensive benchmark study that closely examined its direct competitors and other notable establishments at the national and international levels.

To complement this initial phase, we conducted a series of interviews and administered NOMON Tests to various professional profiles within Zoo de Barcelona, while also analyzing different target and sub-target audiences.


Once the conclusions of the first phase were presented and agreed upon, we embarked on the second phase: “Strategic Definition of Brand Repositioning”, where we crafted the new narrative for Zoo de Barcelona and identified potential target audiences of interest, along with key messages to reach them.

The new positioning of Zoo de Barcelona is anchored in the three aforementioned pillars – biodiversity conservation, scientific research, and education and awareness – along with the core values of this new model: transparency, honesty, sustainability, a service-oriented approach, and commitment to nature and society.


Building upon these pillars and values of the new model, we strategically positioned Zoo de Barcelona as the Biodiversity Centre of Barcelona, serving as the city’s reference point in safeguarding the planet’s biodiversity. Through active and collaborative engagement in conservation and species recovery programs, educational initiatives, and scientific research projects, the Zoo takes on an integral role.

To effectively represent the various facets of the new Biodiversity Centre of Barcelona, we devised a new brand architecture, encompassing the Research Institute (knowledge), the experiential park itself (experience), the territory’s conservation and recovery centers (conservation), and the Campus (education and awareness).


At the same time, we worked on a fresh naming proposal that would effectively communicate and embody the new positioning and model. To achieve this, we organized multiple working sessions with our team, both within and outside the Zoo.

With the goal of shedding the negative associations often linked to the term “zoo” for many individuals, we made the decision to let it go and suggested that the new Barcelona Biodiversity Centre be named VIU.


We opted for this term because it captures the essence of all living beings that inhabit and share the same planet. It’s a verb that directly connects with experience, action, and emotion. Furthermore, it holds a positive connotation, expressing the commitment and future vision of this exciting new chapter for the Zoo. Notably, VIU is a word pronounced similarly worldwide.

Having defined the brand strategy and naming, we then proceeded with the phase of crafting the new corporate identity for the Barcelona Biodiversity Centre.

However, for internal strategic reasons, BSM decided to begin unveiling and promoting the Zoo’s new positioning – its transformation into a Biodiversity Centre – to the public before changing the naming and redesigning its identity.

As a result, we repurposed the naming proposal into the concept and slogan for the new 2023 communication campaign: “VIU EL ZOO/EXPERIENCE THE ZOO.” A place to immerse yourself in, offering more experiences, knowledge, and nature.


Building on the campaign concept and definition, we crafted its visual imagery and adapted it to all necessary communication materials: brochures, advertising pages, web banners, email signatures, digital content for social media, stationery, and a concise corporate presentation to engage potential influencers.


VIU EL ZOO, a campaign that communicates Zoo de Barcelona’s new strategy and positioning


The result of this year’s collaboration with the BSM and Interprofit teams is a strategically defined brand work, which has already culminated in a new communication campaign, VIU EL ZOO. This campaign aims to increase visibility and connect with the target audience, positioning Zoo de Barcelona as the new Biodiversity Centre of the city and actively contributing to the preservation of global diversity.

Tags: Branding strategy, Communication, Digital communication


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