
Conceptualisation and Art Direction of Grok’s latest product catalogue 2019/2020

At NOMON we have carried out the design, the art direction and the photographic production of the new 2019/2020 product catalog, which Grok –the high-end brand of LEDS C4 lighting group– is presenting at Euroluce 2019.

We have worked alongside Marçal Vaquer and Cristina Ramos, the photographer and set designer respectively, on this essential piece for the communication and marketing of the brand.

Art Direction revolves around the concept of reflection

To express the brand identity values ​​of Grok and show the luminaries in a seductive way and in atmospheres that enhance its excellent design, the focus of Art Direction was to use a poetic and artistic concept: the reflection in a mirror, as reflection is the most objective and honest expression of oneself. The deepest vision. A way to understand the world. For all creation, all work, ends up being the reflection of oneself.

During the Art Direction process we have looked into Renaissance painters. We have played with both the real image and its reflected image, using reflection as a tool to blur the limits of the frame and overcome the flatness of photography. The aim was to show a 3D vision that gives a more complete and detailed idea of ​​each of the lighting pieces.

The game of mirrors developed by our Art Direction allows us to contemplate the product from multiple perspectives and reveal profiles and other details that would otherwise be concealed, thus broadening the point of view of the observer. Using the mirror’s reflection, not only can we see the face of the lamp, but also its reverse. The 360º vision explores, in a single image, all the facets of each Grok luminary. The reflection displays volume and depth, expands the visual field, generating atmospheres that radiate emotion.

A catalogue structured around 3 concepts: Essentialism, Magic light and Materiality

In addition to carrying out the Art Direction, we have also developed the design for the catalogue, structuring it in three parts, each of which was based on a different concept which Grok has conceived to segment their new products: Essentialism, Magic light and Materiality.

The atmospheres and the colour palette that Art Direction has produced for this project allow each image to express the precise intention, function and emotion that the different designers sought for their creations. We have thus selected the most convenient settings, those that allow a perfect dialogue with the lamp, placing it in the center of the picture, where it catches the eye. We also emphasised the chromatics of the model and set in order to achieve atmospheres that reflect personality and balance: deep blues, natural greens and warm tones that connect us with the earth.


The lamps Invisible, by Francesc Vilaró, Circular and Candle, by Benedito Design are essential. Pure lines and ethereal transparent volumes that blend with the architecture while they emphasise the singularity of the projects in which they are located. For ambientation photography, we chose minimalist interiors that interact with the luminaries, allowing them to bluntly state the function they were designed to fulfill.


Magic light

The light given off by the lamps Ely, by Luca Turrini, and Cocktail, by Francesc Vilaró is magical. They indeed emit an unusual light, stimulating curiosity and interaction with the user. This particular light becomes the main character of the photograph, while the formal design of the lamp remains in the background, since the message to be transmitted is that these lamps are able to create magical atmospheres, a feature well portrayed in the photographs.


The lamps Voiles, by Céline Wright, Ilargi, by Iratzoki Lizaso, and Catenaria, by Francesc Vilaró are material. Material and craft processes are the base on which the strong personality of these luminaries is built. To highlight this materiality through the interplay of reflections, the mirrors throw back bare fragments of wood, metal, paper or alabaster, which are the materials that shape the design of these objects.

Three years alongside Grok working on Art Direction for their catalogues

At NOMON we stand beside our clients through their growth processes providing tools. In Grok’s case our collaboration started in 2017 with the aim to reposition their brand in a way it would more efficiently communicate the worth of their luminaries, which are developed by renown designers. The Art Direction carried out in this product catalogue showcases the beauty of Grok’s products but also the brand values of the firm, identified by quality, personality, proximity and sentience.

Our work has determined that Light is Life.










Tags: Communication, Editorial design, Fairs, Grok, Awards