Our branding for es im-perfect featured in University Entrance Exams
With the start of June comes a crucial moment for students finishing their A-levels in Catalonia: the Selectivity or PAU (Prova d’Accés a la Universitat) exams. Although at NOMON DESIGN we left that stage behind long ago, this year we were pleasantly surprised: our branding project for es im-perfect was selected for one of the Design exam exercises.
Our branding and packaging for es im-perfect passes the PAU
As part of the Design exercise, the responsible committee asked students two questions based on the purpose and branding of es im-perfect, a social enterprise from El Prat de Llobregat that won a Delta Award in 2023 for its outstanding business initiative. We have been collaborating with them since 2015.
Es im-perfect fights food waste by using imperfect fruits and vegetables to make preserves, providing job opportunities to socially excluded groups.
In the first question, students had to give examples and reason how design has positively impacted societal improvement. They could discuss eco-design, universal design, or social activism design, and how these movements have shown interest in societal improvement through economic, environmental, social, and cultural aspects, both historically and currently.

The second question was related to the brand’s graphic image, which we redesigned in 2018 to highlight the concept of imperfection and position it in the gourmet sector.
Students were asked to conduct a detailed analysis of how its graphic image shows “imperfection” through various graphic aspects: composition, colour scheme, typography, imagery, and other graphic elements.
Had we at NOMON DESIGN answered the question, we would have explained that it is an imperfect and dynamic logo supported by an irregular object – an organic black stain – that changes shape depending on where it is applied, representing the various shapes, stains, or aesthetic flaws of imperfect fruits and vegetables.
The arrangement of the brand name in three lines highlights the contrast between “imperfect” and “perfect,” suggesting the acceptance of imperfection as part of perfection.
The chosen typeface is Apercu Mono Pro, a sans-serif font that gives a modern and minimalist look. The lowercase letters provide a more approachable and accessible tone.
The colour combination of the organic black element and white text creates high contrast, making the logo easily readable and striking. It also adds a gourmet connotation, suggesting elegance and exclusivity, characteristics associated with high-quality products and experiences in the gastronomic world.
Lastly, the concept of imperfection, which is the core of the branding, is applied and adapted across all communication materials to maintain graphic coherence: from corporate identity to packaging, art direction of photography, e-commerce design, etc.
10 years perfecting the imperfection of es im-perfect’s branding
Next year, we will celebrate 10 years of collaboration with the Fundació Espigoladors and their social enterprise es im-perfect.
During this time, besides redesigning their branding, we have designed their displays, packaging, and various communication materials. We conceptualised, designed, and defined both the art direction and their new e-commerce, primarily focusing on the criticism of food waste and the aesthetic criteria that affect food.
In the archive on our website, you will find the projects we have completed for Espigoladors and es im-perfect.
According to data from the Generalitat, 1,540 students passed the Design exam with an average score of 6.68 (the overall PAU average score was 6.747). *
* [Generalitat Data](https://govern.cat/salapremsa/notes-premsa/618422/lalt-percentatge-daprovats-prova-dacces-universitat-pau-2024-mante-97-percent-quart-any-consecutiu)
Tags: Nomon Design, Sostenibilidad